The Dirt Path Sermon Podcast

Living Ready in the Last Days #3 The Son of Man's Return

Pastor Jason Barnett Season 6 Episode 258

Message Pastor Jason

In Part 3 of our series on the Second Coming of Jesus, we dive into Mark 13:14-27, where Jesus describes the turmoil of the last days—but also gives us a promise: He will return. Just like a man trapped in Hurricane Katrina clung to hope for rescue, we, too, must hold fast to the hope that Christ is coming again.

This episode unpacks Jesus’s warning about deception, suffering, and the darkening of the world before His return. But more importantly, it reminds us that evil and injustice will not have the final word—Jesus will.

Are you ready for His return? Are you anchored in the hope only He can provide? Join us as we explore the urgency of living prepared and placing our trust in the One who will come again in power and glory.

Ravenna Church of the Nazarene
530 Main Street, Ravenna, KY 40472

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     For the third straight week, we will be in a series discussing the Second Coming of Jesus. There is a lot of speculation that surrounds this event, and endless theories on what the words mean. We are focusing on the words of Jesus, ones meant to warn but most importantly give hope to those who believe.


     In 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast. An ex-marine named John Keller lived in New Orleans. As many others did, he believed Katrina would be like an other storm to hit the area, so he stayed. However, John found himself trapped in his home as the flood waters began to rise. He climbed higher and higher, praying through what was the longest night of his life. When the storm finally passed, John was rescued by his neighbor in a small boat. After he was safe, John said what kept him going was hope—the belief that the storm would not last and rescue would come.


     As we dig into Mark 13:14-27, the text may have us feeling like John in that terrible storm. But as believers we have a promise from Jesus. Jesus promises that He will return, assuring us rescue is coming. And beyond that, ultimate restoration.


     Mark 13:14-27(CEB):


14 When you see the disgusting and destructive thing standing there where it shouldn’t be (the reader should understand this), then those in Judea must escape to the mountains. 15 Those on the roof shouldn’t come down or enter their houses to grab anything. 16 Those in the field shouldn’t come back to grab their clothes. 17 How terrible it will be at that time for women who are pregnant and for women who are nursing their children. 18 Pray that it doesn’t happen in winter. 19 In those days there will be great suffering such as the world has never before seen and will never again see. 20 If the Lord hadn’t shortened that time, no one would be rescued. But for the sake of the chosen ones, the ones whom God chose, he has cut short the time.


24 In those days, after the suffering of that time, the sun will become dark, and the moon won’t give its light. 25 The stars will fall from the sky, and the planets and other heavenl bodies will be shaken. 26 Then they will see the Human One coming in the clouds with great power and splendor. 27 Then he will send the angels and gather together his chosen people from the four corners of the earth, from the end of the earth to the end of heaven.


This is the word of God

For the people of God

Thanks be to God


     Remember, this entire statement of Jesus is in result of his disciples being in awe of the Temple, but then being told “not one stone would be left on another.” (13:1)In their minds, the destruction of the Temple was equal to the end of the world. Jesus responded by saying the disciples should pay less attention to the signs and instead focus on having prepared hearts.


     Looking at the terrifying verses in 14 through 19, there are some important things for us to remember. In verse 14, most translations say something like “when you see the abomination that causes desolation”, but I like the way the CEB words it because it captures the grossness of how I think God sees it, saying “when you see the disgusting and destructive thing standing where it shouldn’t be.” This paralleling the words of the prophet Daniel, referencing something unholy being placed inside the Holy of Holies in the Temple. In 167 BC, this happened when Antiochus Epiphanes wanted to make the Jews more Greek like by sacrificing pigs in the Temple, animals considered unholy by the Jewish law.


     This event and the Romans destroying the Temple are both events Jesus pointing to in order to give an idea of how terrible the end times will be. Verses 15 through 19 are shared to inform the disciples that there is no point in going back for stockpiles or items left behind, just get away to safety. Jesus is warning them stay alert and act quickly when trouble arrives. Even if that means retreating to a place of safety. As one general put it, “It is not retreating, it is advancing to future victories.” And most importantly, their hearts should retreat to their refuge in Christ.


     Persecution would be a certain for the disciples. But what is described in these verses is different, it goes beyond giving one’s life for giving the gospel. Verse 20 says, “If the Lord hadn’t shortened that time, no one would be rescued.” No one would rescued because no one would survive due to the intensity of the wickedness and injustice happening. Jesus in that same verse goes on to say, “But for the sake of the chosen ones, the ones whom God chose, he has cut short the time.” The chosen ones being those who place their faith in Jesus and hold firm to that truth.


     During that period, false messiahs and prophets will appear. They would spread deceptions, even using miraculous signs to do it. Verse 22 ends with, “If possible, those whom God has chosen.” The goal of the false messiahs and prophets is to draw those who are saved away from safety, but that is only possible if the redeemed are not grounded in Christ. Those who truly belonged to Jesus would hang to truth knowing that God is the one in control.


     Verses 24 and 25 describe the sun and moon going dark, stars falling, and planets being shaken. This image portrays all those things that once were nothing and chaos put in order by God, but now God has released back to the nothing and chaos. And it is at that moment, in the darkness, that the Son of Man (or Human One), Jesus, will appear riding on the clouds. Jesus will be returning bodily to earth. The first time Jesus came to suffer and die as a gift of love to set His people free from sin and death. He came as a lowly infant in stable. But the second time Jesus is coming as the triumphant King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He will gather all those who are His from all over the world, and they will join in Him in victory.


     What does all this teach us? We live in a world full of pain, uncertainty, and injustice. Like John from the beginning, we feel like we are in a house having to climb higher and higher to escape the rising flood waters. But remember what kept John going? Hope, the belief that the storm would leave and rescue would come. Christ return assures us that evil and suffering will not have the final word. When darkness closes in, we are to fix our eyes on Jesus and His promise of coming again. He will eliminate pain, uncertainty, and injustice.


     The false messengers and their signs will come. But they have no control over things. Their promises to take away pain are temporary. Death still haunts them and their ways. With Jesus, Death has no sting! Pain wll vanish! All injustice and wickedness will be put to an end. This is what the world strives to obtain but never will! Jesus will achieve it on His return. And He can achieve it in our hearts here and now until that day comes.


     Let me ask you: Are you ready for His return? Are you living with the hope that only Jesus can provide, or are you overwhelmed by the storms around you? Today, Jesus invites you to find refuge in Him. Whether you’ve never placed your faith in Christ, or you feel your hope has grown dim, this is your moment to respond. Come forward, pray, and surrender your life or your burdens to the one who will come again in power and glory. Fix your eyes on Jesus, the anchor of our hope, and let Him prepare your heart for that glorious day. Don’t wait—Jesus is ready to meet you where you are. Will you come?

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