The Dirt Path Sermon Podcast

What is a God like you doing in a place like this?

Pastor Jason Barnett Season 6 Episode 249

Message Pastor Jason

 Kicking off a series titled "Things to think about", we dive into the story of Jacob's encounter with God at Bethel from Genesis 28:16-19. Jacob, on the run and feeling alone, is surprised by God’s presence in a place he never expected. This message challenges us to be aware of God's presence in the unexpected places of our own lives, especially in the midst of chaos and uncertainty. Whether it's during a personal struggle or the intensity of an election season, God is with us—if we're willing to see Him. Tune in for a reminder to keep your heart open to God's surprises! 

Ravenna Church of the Nazarene
530 Main Street, Ravenna, KY 40472

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     In a few short weeks, as Americans, we will have the opportunity to exercise our right to vote. I think it is important for me to share that I am your pastor, not your politician. My goal over the next few weeks is not to advocate for any particular candidates, but to remind us as Christians of things we should have in mind.


     There is one truth I believe is critical for us to keep in mind. It is an important detail that can become lost in all the chaos that surrounds the political season. This is a lesson Jacob, a forefather of faith learns.


     Genesis 28:16-19(CEB):


     16 When Jacob woke from his sleep, he thought to himself, The LORD is definitely in this place, but I didn’t know it. 17 He was terrified and though, This sacred place is awesome. It’s none other than God’s house and the entrance to heaven. 18 After Jacob got up early in the morning, he took the stone that he had put near his head, set it up as a sacred pillar, and poured oil on top of it. 19 He named that sacred place Bethel, though Luz was the city’s original name.


This is the word of God

For the people of God

Thanks be to God



     Our passage focuses on when Jacob wakes up from an intense dream, one that has him in the presence of God. But is important to note what has happened in Jacob’s life leading up to this moment. He was on the run from his father’s (Isaac’s) house because Jacob had robbed his brother Esau of his birthright. Jacob is all alone in the wilderness when he falls asleep with a rock for a pillow.


     Verse 16 tells us “When Jacob woke from his sleep, he thought to himself, the LORD is definitely in this place, even though I didn’t know it.” The dream was so intense, that Jacob still held in the power of what it revealed. What the dream revealed was God’s presence. Jacob believed he was all by himself, on the run because of tricking his brother. But the dream made Jacob aware that God was right there with him. Not only was this a powerful realization, it was transformational.


     The rock that had been Jacob’s pillow now became an important symbol in his life. Verse 18 says, “Jacob got up early, he took the stone, set it up as a sacred pillar, and poured oil on it.” This is not Jacob setting up an idol, but a reminder of the moment he encountered God’s presence. When Jacob was alone God met with him unexpectedly in this place.


     This entire event happened in an area called Luz. The name Luz had no meaning to Jacob until this encounter with God. Jacob renames the area Bethel, meaning “House of God.” The house of God means it is a place of safety because God’s presence is there.


     What does this have to do with us? Where is the truth that is important for us to remember as believers heading into an election season? Verse 16 is the key. Jacob wakes up from this dream where he encounters God, thinking, “The LORD is definitely in this place, but I didn’t know it.” He met with God in a place he did not expect.


     Jacob had swindled his brother Esau. He was in the wrong, now on the run because of it. This excursion into Luz attempted to outrun the trouble of Jacob’s own making. He is trying to get a night of rest before returning to his escape. It is in that place physically, mentally, and spiritually that God meets with Jacob in a dream!


     Jacob’s God is our God. God is the Almighty. He is unrivaled and unlimited in where He can go. When Jacob was alone and on the run, God surprised Jacob with His presence. Our God does that all the time. Three men were tossed in a fiery furnace, they believed God could save them, and they met with Him in the fire. Daniel was in a lion’s den, God’s presence was in that lion’s den. Two disciples were mourning the death of Jesus when they were surprised Jesus was walking beside them. Our God is a God who shows up in unexpected places.


     As Christians, the enemy is not necessarily seeking to make us believe God does not exist or that God is absent, the goal is to make us indifferent to God’s presence. Not even indifferent to God, but the possibility of His presence. If we are indifferent, we will not notice God is there. And if we do not notice, we lose sight of hope.


     God will surprise when and where He shows up. When sin feels overwhelming, God shows up with grace and mercy. As the chaos of life tosses us about, His Spirit sweeps in like the wind to guide us through and calm the storm inside of us. In the intensity of a political climate, God can reveal He is there with us.


     Jacob was surprised by God’s presence. It transformed him. The same can happen to us if our hearts are open. Just as God made with Jacob, He can meet with you! May God give us faith to see Him in the unexpected places.

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